Current Courses

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    National Council of Vocational and Research Training is a constituent board of NCVRT Vocational Education council established by an article. 29 & 30(1) constitution of India and incorporated under the legislation of Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India.

    Certificate in nursing assistant (1 year)

    Eligibility: 10th and above

    This above certified course will provide both theory and practical classes which will help students to secure jobs both in india and abroad.

    Nursing assistant will provide all help including keep the patient neat and good atmosphere timely medication and food will provide and also in emergency condition will take special care and communicate to concerned authority.

    Job opportunities are available in hospitals,carehomes in most of the European and gulf countries.

    Diploma in medical laboratory technology (2 years)

    Eligibility: 10th and above

    This is a course which will cover both theory and practical.

    This will provide successful student to stand as a backbone to the medical treatment.not only student become an inevitable part of the institution but also will provide guidelines to the comingup fellows in the same cadre as part of building up the institution.this course also will help you in process of diagnosation through lab technology as well as to keep aware of the new development in this field.

    Job opportunities are available in hospitals,laboratory both in india and abroad.